We all know bananas are good for our health, but what about the peel? Don't just throw the peel in the trash, for it has so many benefits that can solve our skin problems! Read on to find out what a banana peel can do to our skin!
1. Smooth Wrinkles

Packed with antioxidants, banana peels can be a lifesaver when it comes to smooth wrinkles. Rub the peel on your face, let it sit for half an hour, and then rinse your face thoroughly. Repeat this trick for a few days, and you will notice a visible reduction in your wrinkles.
2. Whiten Your Teeth

Believe it or not, banana peels can indeed get your teeth whiter! Just rub the inside of the peel on your teeth till the banana paste cover the teeth completely. Wait for 10 minutes and brush your teeth with a dry toothbrush for 3 minutes. Sounds weird? Keep doing it for 2 weeks, and you will be amazed by the magic of banana peels.
3. Remove Pimples

Troubled by pimples? A banana peel will solve all your problems. First, rub the peel lightly on your skin, leave it on for at least 2 hours (overnight is even better), and rinse it thoroughly. Repeat this every day, and you'll be surprised at the results a few days later.
4. Lighten Bruises

Bruises are not hard to wear off when you have a banana with you! Simply scrub the inside of the peel on your bruises for 15-30 minutes, then bandage it overnight. By the following day, you'll find that the bruises have faded a little.
5. Remove Warts

If you have warts but don't want to go to the doctor, banana peels can help. All you need to do is wrap the banana peel around the wart before going to bed and repeat the process for a week. Then you'll notice that the wart comes off faster than usual without too much pain.
Source: buzzaura.com