Top 10 Best Greek Mythology Movies

 While all movies have their own specific draw, there is something magical about movies based on Greek mythology. They are based on accounts of real people or events, but have a really amazing element of imagination to recreate what those people or events may have been like. Magical realism is one of the best ways to describe this genre, and it can incorporate so many different types of characters, from heroes, monsters, spiritualists and monsters. The drama and vanity, combined with the politics and war, makes for an interesting story no matter what aspect of Greek mythology is being focused on. If you are looking for your next film in this genre, check out these Top 10 best Greek mythology movies. 

300 (2007)

The 2007 version of 300 is probably one of the most popular and iconic Greek mythology movies of all time. At the same time, it was also probably one of the most unrealistic depictions of this story of this battle and the setting of Thermopylae. But the over the top nature of this film may just be what makes it so memorable, especially the extreme imagery and beautiful cinematography.  

Wonder Woman (2017)

Wonder Woman could arguably be one of the most emotionally compelling and beautifully made movies ever, even outside of Greek mythology. It is such a beautiful story that is engaging in its depiction and character development, as well as the cinematography. It also brings up such compelling topics about race, gender, war and the basic human condition.  

Hercules (1997)

Hercules has become one of the most memorable animated films in the Disney line up, and one of the most recognizable in Greek mythology. It is full of lively action and great characters. One of the most memorable aspects of this film is the music, which is full of catchy and beautifully sung original songs. 

Troy (2014)

This film is a great movie to watch for character development and a realistic depiction of what this specific Greek myth may have been like. It is less dramatic and flashy in its presentation of the story and characters, but that makes it a bit more realistic and believable. It is also great for the audience because they have the chance to get to know and become invested in each character. 

Jason and The Argonauts (1963)

This movie has become a classic film in Greek mythology. It is of course outdated in its technology, but at the time of production, it was way ahead of its time in design and graphics. It’s a great story with several interesting characters to get caught up in.

Clash of the Titans (1981)

Clash of the Titans has a very moving plot that is full of adventure and drama. What is stunning about this movie is the creativity and aesthetic element of the characters and monsters featured in the cast. 

Iphigenia (1977)

This film was the third Greek mythology project by director Michael Cacoyannis, and it was also one of the most successful as well. This particular myth deals with some compelling topics, like duty and faith and maneuvering through life. 

Spartacus (1960)

This film is viewed as another iconic film in the Greek mythology genre. It follows the classic revolt against the Roman empire, and is full of epic battle scenes and a great, dramatic storyline. 

300: Rise of an Empire (2014)

Another version of 300, this film is beautiful in its visual design, but does not put a lot of emphasis on cast or character development. If you are interested in a Greek mythology that leans heavy on the fantasy side, this film is for you. 

Orpheus (1950)

This is another oldie but goodie, that is actually a French film. It focuses on the classic and tragic myth of Orpheus and Euridice and became an important film in French cinema in the 1950’s. 

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