According to the National Library of Medicine, colon or colorectal cancer is one of the most lethal and common cancers worldwide. If you notice any of these symptoms in your body, consider consulting your doctor. Many people tend to ignore them, especially No.5!
1. Constipation Or Diarrhea

According to Healthline, changes in your bowel movements such as constipation or diarrhea may be associated with colon cancer. If the condition is persistent, you might need to check with your doctor.
2. Pain In The Abdomen

Colon cancer may also come with an ongoing pain in your abdominal area. You might even feel severe cramps or bloating that will not disappear after a bowel movement.
3. Having Trouble Emptying Your Bowels

Pay extra attention if you constantly have an urge to go but never feel like you've completely emptied your bowels. This symptom is known as tenesmus, commonly seen in the early stages of colon or rectal cancer.
4. A Loss Of Appetite

A change in appetite is one of the most common signals of any cancer, and it might also be followed by an involuntary weight loss. Moreover, says another reason for the decreased weight is that your body may divert parts of its metabolism resources to fight against the tumor.
5. Fatigue

Fatigue may also occur as the immune system consumes a large amount of energy in battling against the cancer. Be cautious if you constantly feel tired and weak for no reason.
6. Blood In The Stool

In serious cases of constipation, there may be a visible light or dark red coloring in your stool or on toilet paper after wiping. It might also suggest rectal bleeding, another common symptom of colon cancer.
7. A Friendly Reminder

Common as it appears, colon cancer is highly preventable. Taking annual screening tests and sticking to a healthy habit are both helpful in protecting yourself against this illness.