The dog was not well recently, but things started getting bizarre when its owner woke up at midnight and found it staring at a wall. Therefore, he set a camera to seek out the truth, and what he saw later was beyond his expectation.
1. Miller's Best Friend

George Miller was a 29-year-old bachelor who lived far away from his family. Luckily, he never felt lonely after he found an amiable furry friend—a dog named Crosby. Yet his always cheerful companion had become a bit down of late.
2. Miller Felt Crosby's Change

Miller and Crosby had lived together for several years, and they had their ways of understanding each other. So Miller felt strange that when he arrived back home, Crosby wasn't there to meet him at the door. There was no greeting or kisses as normal. Miller thought he knew the reason, but he was wrong.
3. Was Crosby Grieving For His Friends?

Miller thought Crosby was grieving over the passing of his two friends, a cat and a dog from next door. He had played with them for a long time, but suddenly, they died one after the other, leaving Crosby sad and alone. But Miller would soon find out something even stranger about his dog.
4. Crosby Didn't Answer To His Name

Miller noticed that Crosby didn't greet him or respond to him when he called his four-leg friend. His dog's attention seemed to be attracted by something else at home.
5. Crosby Was So Intently Looking At A…

Miller walked to Crosby and crouched to his level to see what interested Crosby so much. There was nothing there but a wall. Wait, why was Crosby staring at the wall in the living room for so long?
6. The Mysterious Wall

George Miller patted his dog and asked him, "What is it, boy?" And the owner found that the petting was the only way to divert him from the wall. Were there some bugs or something George couldn't see on the wall?
7. Everything Seemed Back To Normal

As his owner had wished, Crosby lost his interest in the wall and started to enjoy chasing insects and playing with George as usual. The man and his pet seemed to have forgotten the "wall incident." However, the same scene would soon haunt George once again.
8. His Gaze At Midnight

At midnight, George woke up and felt extraordinarily thirsty. When he passed through the living room to the kitchen, he happened to see that Crosby was awake, too, and was staring at the wall with his sad eyes.
9. He Set Up A Camera

George couldn't wait but to buy a night vision camera the following day. He installed the camera in the living room and left it on for two days in the hope that it would help him get to the bottom of the mystery.
10. More Doubts Arose

After the dog owner watched the footage, he realized that the gadget was useless. Crosby didn't gaze at the wall at all when George wasn't around him. Was it a unique way for Crosby to attract George's attention? What did he want to show to his human friend?
11. Why Was Crosby So Delighted?

George noticed that Crosby gradually recovered from the loss of his friends. He often heard his joyful barking in the living room as if something fascinating lay there.
12. Investigation By His Own Eyes

George decided to get closer to the wall and see what was making Crosby bark with his own eyes. He lay on the ground near the wall, and Crosby began barking excitedly. It was like a "hot or cold" game between a dog and a man. George didn't know he was just inches away from the truth.
13. There Came An Odd Sound

When he was carefully checking the wall, a strange sound came from the inside of the wall. George's heart missed a beat. He also found that the wood panelling there had become loose, and after removing it, a hole in the drywall appeared before his eyes.
14. A Hand Into The Hole

Whatever was inside the wall, George decided to find it out. He reached his hand through the hole and felt the touch of something inside the wall. At first, George brought out a lot of dust and debris. Therefore, he stretched a bit more of his arm into the hole and felt something small and soft.
15. Look At What He Got!

He had thought it was the insulation, but then he heard a tiny whine. It was a creature! He gently pulled the poor animal out of the wall. Though it was covered in dirt, he could identify the beastie resting on his hands as a kitten.
16. Where Was His Mama Or Owner?

Though he was still wondering how the kitten had got into the wall, his priority was to settle the baby down. He cleaned up the months-old cat and surprisingly found that the kitten looked like Crosby's late cat friend from next door.
17. Lost But Not Found

George had very little knowledge of taking care of a baby cat, so he needed to find the kitten's mama or owner soon. He visited his neighbours and asked them whether they'd lost a kitten recently. Some of them found that it looked familiar, but no one knew to whom the kitten belonged.
18. Find A Home For The Kitten

George thought a shelter would take good care of the kitten. However, he heard from a vet that the county shelter might put down the cat because the institute already had more than 300 kittens. What would George do with the kitten?
19. Three Of Them

George quickly decided to adopt the baby after discovering the information. Luckily, Crosby seemed to like the kitten. Maybe Crosby thought he was the actual owner of it. After all, he'd found the kitten first. Now they three formed a loving family and it would always remain so.