There is always one house that gets the most gossip in the neighborhood, and that was exactly what happened to this house in Germantown, Tennessee. A family bought the house and thought it would be a perfect place to have a place of their own, but then something unexpected happened, and their plan went south. It all started with a weird noise...
1. Just A Regular House

As the family moved to Tennessee and saw the friendly neighborhood, they believed that they had finally found a good place to start a peaceful and happy family life. The house was beautiful, and everything seemed great. It wasn’t technically a new house, but wasn’t too old, either. The house seemed perfect but had one problem that the family couldn't endure.
2. The Disturbing Noises

Since the house was not new, they'd expected creaky floors or dripping taps. However, the property was obviously renovated a little bit to attract buyers, which made it look just fine. However, there was only a strange noise that kept bugging them, but they hoped that it would disappear in a day or two. Yet things weren't that simple.
3. Haunted?

Usually, it's rather easy to locate the source when there is a noise in the house, but what was happening to the family was a lot more complex. They couldn't tell where the noises were coming from or what kind of noises they were. After a while, the family couldn't sleep well, and they even started thinking that the house may be haunted. Well, there had to be something wrong with the house, but what was it?
4. The Moving Sound

One thing the family was sure about was that the noise was coming from the walls. They thought there might be a rat stuck in between the sheetrock and the outside bricks since the sound could move around. Soon, they realized that it wasn’t just one animal but a large amount of them, which made them more than a bit scared. At that point, they decided to call for professional help.
5. Pest Control

The family thought it must be the rats, so they called a pest control service. After taking a while to map out where the noises were coming from, the professionals marked the walls and pumped as much pesticide into them as possible. There was no doubt that what was living in between the walls would die or run away. The family thought they could finally sleep well, but that was just a hope.
6. It Was Not The End

To everyone's surprise, the noises didn't go away, and the family became desperate. What could it be if pesticides couldn’t kill it? Was it actually something supernatural? The noise was even louder than before, which meant whatever animals they were, they'd grown larger. The louder the noises got, the more they sound like buzzing. The family decided to find out more clues before asking for extra help.
7. The Possible Source

The family had a thought when hearing the buzzing, so they went outside for a thorough check to confirm their assumption. One family member found a bee crawling around the window, and everything seemed to make sense. But how to fix it? What can they do to the bees, and whom can they turn to?
8. The Beekeeper

Bees are important creatures to the environment, so the family didn't want to kill them. However, it can be dangerous to remove a bee colony, so they decided to call a professional beekeeper, hoping he could solve the problem. David Glover was one of the best beekeepers around the neighborhood, which made him the perfect one to get inside, remove those bees and find them a new home. Well, at least that was the plan.
9. A Full Inspection

David was known as "the Bartlett Bee Whisperer" because of his affinity for bees, which also meant he was very careful when doing his job. He decided to give the house a full inspection so that he could work out the best solution. David changed into his bee-keeping suit and used a thermal imaging camera to locate heat sources inside the walls. What he found shocked everyone.
10. The Real Problem

Everyone, including David, was expecting to see a small area of red lights up, but the ENTIRE house lit up. Since the camera worked just fine, it meant there were "heat sources" everywhere in the walls. With such a large amount of bees stuck there, the house wouldn't take it so well, and bees might be in danger too. What should David do?
11. The Difficulty

Since the house was not very new, tearing down those walls may cause real damage to the property. Meanwhile, bees are delicate creatures and careless actions can easily kill them. With a heart that wanted to help the family and deep love for bees, David started questioning himself: could he actually help?
12. Everything Needs A Start

As David started removing some bricks, the narrow gap between the brick and concrete made things even more difficult. However, when he saw the beehive was intact and bees seemed healthy and thriving, David felt a huge relief. But how to get them out without hurting the bees and the house?
13. The Project Continued

The family reassured David that there was no need to worry about renovation or anything as long as the noise problem was gone. Thus, David continued removing bricks carefully. He didn't want to disturb the beehive too much, otherwise it might cause unnecessary bee problems to the whole neighborhood. It was a tough job, but the bee expert continued with proper methods until he discovered something unusual.
14. An Unexpected Discovery

The more bricks David removed, the better view he had in between those walls. He then found some dead bees on the floor, which had been killed by the pesticide pumped in before he took the job. As David was feeling sad about those bees, he took a closer look at them, and he realized there was a bigger problem than removing the hive...
15. The Bad News

Unfortunately, the pesticide had killed the queen bee. Usually, when a hive misses the queen bee, bees will get aggressive, and the bee colony will soon die out. Luckily, those bees somehow remained calm, which gave David a bit more time to solve the problem. But first, he needed to find them a new queen.
16. Special About The Hive

Other than the bees remaining surprisingly calm, there was something special about the beehive: it has 2 gigantic honeycombs. It's so rare since normally they only produce small combs, but this colony had two enormous honeycombs. The new discovery intrigued David but also got him thinking. How many bees were there?
17. A Lot Of Bees

Depending on the size of honeycombs and the hive, David estimated that there were about 35,000 bees in that small space. With such a large number, it's usually not that difficult to gather them because they tend to stay close to the hive. To make sure he got every bee in that place, David decided to use a special tool.
18. A Special Way To Use The Cleaning Tool

Believe it or not, David used a vacuum to capture those bees into the bag without hurting them. Despite how dangerous it may seem, the professional knew what he was doing. With this method, bees can keep breathing while being transported. The next thing David needed to consider was where to relocate them.
19. The Rehabilitation

Relocating bees was a process. The first step was to let these bees accept their new home after being transported to a new location. Then, David found a queen bee from his own bee colonies and put it in the hive. It all depended on if the bees would accept the new queen. If not, they would die, but there was nothing else he could do but wait.
20. The Happy Ending

Luckily, the bee colony accepted the new queen, which meant that David not only saved those bees and helped the family, but also kept his own queen bee alive. 6 months later, David shared an update about those busy dudes that they're all doing very well.