Water and beach are always the biggest attraction when traveling in areas with a hot climate. However, before you kick your shoes off and jump into the water, there are several places where you should be very careful about being around. Check out 20 dangerous waters you don't want to try diving.
1. The Strid

This seemingly safe but actually extremely dangerous water is The Strid in Yorkshire, England. Although it looks like an innocent brook, it's full of hidden currents that can suck you in. Many people got trapped under the rocks, so you may want to stay away from this stream.
2. The Nile River

There are so many kinds of life forms living in the Nile River, including some unfriendly ones. For instance, it's also the home to Nile crocodiles that are notorious for attack incidents. With such a high occurrence of attacks, you won't want to swim there unless you want to lose an arm or a leg.
3. Hanakapiai Beach

There are so many beautiful landscapes in Hawaii that are attractive to countless travelers, but you might want to reconsider before choosing Hanakapiai Beach as the destination. There have been about 80 deaths due to powerful riptides pulling people out to sea.
4. Samaesan Hole

Samaesan Hole in Thailand is a feature off the coast where divers around the world would love to have an adventure. It gets so dark as you go further down the hole that you can't see anything at certain levels, which means you would be lost deep in the sea, and it's fatal.
5. Kipu Falls

Kipu Falls is another dangerous spot that tourists love to visit in Hawaii. Without any specific reason, there have been quite a few tourists drowned. Some people think it's due to the wrath of ancient gods or hidden whirlpools, or just alcohol.
6. Rio Tinto River

Located in Spain, Rio Tinto is also known as the red river or Tinto river. It has a unique red and orange color for about 50km due to heavy pollution. As a result of the past mining activities, the river is extremely acidic (pH 2), which is seriously harmful, and you definitely don't want to be around.
7. Blue Lagoon

Locally known as the Blue Lagoon, the pool in Derbyshire quarry near Buxton, England is a beautiful spot with extreme dangers. As the opposite existence of Rio Tinto, it is highly alkaline water (pH 11) that will cause skin complaints. You won't want to swim in bleach, right?
8. Jacob's Lake

Located in south-central Texas, Jacob's Lake is super cool and clear, so you can almost see all the way down to the bottom. There are intricate tunnels and caves in its depths, which can be attractive to divers. However, if you go in without enough oxygen or the right equipment, you can easily get lost under the water, and may not make it back to the surface in time.
9. Bolinas Beach

Bolinas Beach is one of the many safe and serene beaches in California. With a lot of wildlife living around the area, some deadly predators exist as well. For instance, the great white sharks love to breed, carry their pups, and hunt for food near there, and you don't want to end up as their snack.
10. Reunion Island

Reunion Island is a small island off the coast of Madagascar, located in the Indian Ocean. Sadly, this area is notorious for the increasing number of shark attacks every year, especially with surfers who love the waves breaking off the island. If you still want to swim there, be aware of the risks.
11. Gansbaai

Gansbaai is near the coast of South Africa, and it's home to a variety of wildlife, including the sea birds and some pretty dangerous sharks. While the sea birds aren't going to cause you much harm, sharks, on the other hand, will give you deadly injuries.
12. Lake Kivu

Rwanda has a complex history, and the Lake Kivu there is just as unstable. It is literally considered an "exploding lake" because it's dangerously close to a volcano. The lake will release a lot of carbon dioxide into the air when the volcano erupts, which can cause your life. Stay away from the lake, no matter how tempting it looks.
13. Potomac River

Unlike normal rivers that are calming and relaxing, Potomac River runs pretty fast through Maryland and West Virginia. You can be easily pulled down by the water, so you should be careful about hiking around the area.
14. Bubbly Creek

Bubbly Creek sounds fun and cool, but you'll change your mind after knowing the reasons why it's named for it. All kinds of disgusting runoff go into the creek, including sewage, discarded meat, and garbage. The process of its decay releases gases, which cause those bubbles. Ew!
15. The Gulf Coast

You think it's safe for you to stay away from snakes? Wrong! Some snakes can swim, and even many breeds spend most of their time underwater. The Gulf Coast near the Southern US is full of rattlesnakes, which know how to swim.
16. The Amazon Basin

In South America, the Amazon Basin is home to many dangerous creatures. If you don't want to meet piranhas, barracudas, or any other toothy fish, you should stay away from the waters there. There is also candiru, a tiny catfish that can lead to severe problems in your urethra.
17. Queensland

Australia is not only home to some of the most venomous animals on land, but also fatal ones in the water. You can find sharks, saltwater crocodiles, stonefish, blue-ringed octopus, and box jellyfish in Queensland. You won't want any kind of trouble brought by those creatures.
18. Victoria Falls

There are small pools called "The Devil's Pools" on the edge of the Victoria Falls in Zambia. They're on the lip of the falls, and you will probably be swept over the falls if you swim in them. Sometimes, observing and taking pictures are better ways to approach beauty in nature.
19. The Boiling Lake

Don't doubt yourself, this lake is actually steaming. The Boiling Lake in Dominica is located directly over a pocket of scalding hot magma. It causes the water above to boil, and you don't want to swim in it since it's literally boiling, not just a regular hot spring.
20. Lake Karachay

In Russia, Lake Karachay is one of the most toxic lakes on Earth. It's because the Russian government dumped toxic waste into the water before regulations prevented them from doing so. The lake is toxic enough to kill you in an hour.
Source: buzzfond.com