Despite us having gone to other planets, there’s still quite a lot that we don’t know about our own planet. And when it comes to the vast tundra of Antarctica, most of the area is so hard to navigate that we’ve barely managed to map and investigate most of it. And since the internet is a thing, this had led to some downright wacky conspiracy theories about Antarctica.
Let’s take a look at some of the best ones. Strap in, it’s gonna be quite a ride.
Ancient Civilization
After finding pictures on Google Earth (as you do) of something that looked like a man-made structure, people all over the internet started plotting that Antarctica would be home to an ancient civilization. The remnants of that civilization would be covered in heaps of snow, naturally.

Hollow Earth Theory
The Hollow Earth Theory suggests that our planet is in fact hollow and there’s another civilization living under the planet’s surface. An entrance to this subterranean part of Earth would – naturally – be found in the most gruesomely uninhabitable parts of Antarctica.

Back in 2012, a picture was made of a research station where according to people on the internet, a UFO could be seen in the distance. Naturally, there’s very little evidence needed when claiming a UFO since all it has to be is an unidentified flying object, so even a type of bird you haven’t seen before technically applies.

Nazi Bunkers
Never has there been a regime with more conspiracy theories tied to it, and never has there been a location with more conspiracy theories tied to it. According to the Venn-diagram that proves that sooner or later there had to be one where both topics overlapped, people have started theorizing that the Nazis had bases built on Antarctica. There’s not an ounce of proof that Nazis even went there (well, apart from an expedition in 1938) or had the technology to build said bases, but that’s not stopping the internet.

Ice Ship
Again on Google Earth (I swear they do this on purpose), people found a picture of what appears to be a 400 foot ice ship lying on the surface of Antarctica. Naturally this discovery led to a lot of conspiracy theories about why the ship was there, like for example the theory that this ship was built to transport world leaders in time of global crisis. Other YouTubers and Redditors saw this ship as proof of other conspiracy theories, like the Nazi bases. Makes perfect sense for the Nazis to travel with a yacht, right?

Naturally this had to be one of the conspiracies, didn’t it? People found what looks like a pyramid on Antarctica and this is – of course – irrefutable evidence that aliens are currently living on Antarctica and have a base there. You know, as they do in Egypt.