Korean Makeup Artist J._.Make Does Surrealistic Makeup

 We’ve seen loads of makeup artists take over Instagram in the last few years. If we’re being honest, it’s a segment that’s growing ever more popular on a medium that’s already been oversaturated for as long as anyone can remember. It feels like there’s nothing really unique left to discover, but thankfully every once in a while someone shows up that reminds us why people still keep an eye on Instagram. Enter j._.make.

This Korean artist has a style unlike any we’ve ever seen. She doesn’t shy away from using bright colors and using makeup to form the most surrealistic imagery you can think of. Naturally this works better in an Instagram setting where you can add a fitting background and maybe even a filter or two, but it’s a very creative and cool thing nonetheless.

I can’t even begin to fathom the amount of work that goes into these looks. Thankfully, next to her Instagram account there’s also a YouTube channel where she posts tutorials for how she gets her special looks. It looks like a lot of work but the least that can be said is that she knows what she’s doing and she’s very good at it. 

So next time you’re looking for a unique makeup look for a Halloween party or your next Dungeons and Dragons session, you could always try this out and see how it goes. Probably not very good, but thankfully makeup tends to wash off pretty easily. I think. I’m not an expert.

Source: zestradar.com

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