Eight Strangest Fast Food Items on the Earth

 Throughout history, there have been various concepts of how to make food and market it to consumers. One of the most popular ways of selling food is the concept of fast food, which actually dates back farther than you might imagine. There is even record of ancient civilizations from around the world having marketplaces with street vendors and fast food cafeterias.

 But stories have been told that the concept of fast food restaurants started in the United States. As fast food has become more widely accepted, and accessible, innovators of the fast food industry have pushed the limits on what is considered fast food. In the last several years, fast food companies have gone to some pretty strange extremes to keep the attention of their consumers and keep business flowing.

 What would come to mind when we think fast food has been challenged by these innovative ideas, albeit bad ideas in some instances. Think you’ve heard of, seen, or even tasted the wildest fast foods? Test your adventurous taste buds and check out these 8 weirdest fast food items from around the world. 

Kuro Pearl Burger — Burger King in Japan

The Kuro Pearl Burger is a creation served up in Burger King in Japan. It’s also known as the Ninja burger, and its black bun and cheese slices are infused with charcoal. Squid ink is mixed into the garlic sauce and onions, giving this burger a truly odd appearance, but one that has become quite popular. 

Kurp Pearl Burger | 8 Weirdest fast food Items From Around The World | Zestradar

Double Down Dog — KFCs around the world

The Double Down Dog was originally released first in the Philippines, but made its tour across different parts of the globe. It showcased the beautifully strange combo of hot dogs and chicken, with a dog wrapped in fried chicken instead of a bun. 

Double Down Dog | 8 Weirdest fast food Items From Around The World | Zestradar

Cheese Donut — KFC in Indonesia

Another oddity from KFC came in 2013 when they released their cheese donut. It was a standard glazed donut topped with shredded Swiss and cheddar cheese. They took it a step further with the strange dairy field day by pairing this delightful donut with a hazelnut coffee. 

Cheese Donut | 8 Weirdest fast food Items From Around The World | Zestradar

Buffalo Flavored Latte — Tim Hortons in USA

Chicken flavored latte is no longer a dream that you may or may not have wanted to come true. This may sit right with some people, but we are thinking this dairy and meat seasoning combination is not sitting right with the majority of stomachs that have the displeasure of coming into contact with it. The kicker is the sprinkle of buffalo spice on top of the whipped creaming topping. 

Cap’n Crunch Delights — Taco Bell in the USA

One of the strangest desserts from fast food has come from Taco Bell in 2015 with the creation of the Cap’n Crunch Delights in the United States. They were milky icing filled pastries coated in crushed crunch berries cereal. 

Cap'n Crunch Delights | 8 Weirdest fast food Items From Around The World | Zestradar

Marmite Stuffed Pizza Crust — Pizza Hut in New Zealand

If you are not from certain parts of the world, you may have never heard of Marmite. This thick, salty food is usually used as a spread, but Pizza Hut in New Zealand stuffed it into pizza crust. As with Marmite itself, we’re betting people either really like this pizza rendition or absolutely hate it. 

Marmite Stuffed Pizza  | 8 Weirdest fast food Items From Around The World | Zestradar

Premium Berry Burger — Burger King in Japan

Japanese creativity makes this list again with the introduction of the Premium Berry Burger at Burger King in 2014. This burger was brave enough to make its way to customers with a traditional beef patty topped with blueberries and sweet cranberry and blackberry sauce. 

Premium Berry Burger | 8 Weirdest fast food Items From Around The World | Zestradar

Vulcan Pizza — Nya Gul & Bla in Sweden

This last conglomerate of foods is called the Vulcan Pizza and it is utterly confusing. This six point dish has several pockets filled with creamy sauce, each with a different meat topping. It is concluded with a strange mix of salad toppings, french fries and sauces just tossed in together in the center. 

Vulcan Pizza  | 8 Weirdest fast food Items From Around The World | Zestradar
Source: zestradar.com
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