Male Magnificence Guidelines All throughout The Planet
There are h things that make men alluring, not simply abs, and you'd be shocked how those measures contrast all throughout the planet.
You may imagine that there is such an incredible concept as all inclusive norms of magnificence, at any rate for men, yet you'd not be right. Hollywood has figured out how to program us somewhat, yet not to the full degree. While a specific degree of wellness is invited in many nations, it's a long way from a prerequisite for the vast majority of us, since we realize we can't anticipate that everyone should have 6-pack abs consistently.
Yet, there are different things that make men alluring, not simply abs, and you'd be amazed how those models vary all throughout the planet. What's considered hot AF in one nation, probably won't be appealing in another country. We should take a plunder, will we?
So let’s start with America as the most obvious one. We all know the type. The standard of beauty for men here is quite typical – big, strong, tall men, with visible muscles ( we’re talking big arms and ideally six-pack abs) and luscious styled hair. When it comes to fashion, the US doesn’t require much of men. A nice fitting pair of jeans with a flannel shirt or a t-shirt will do.

India’s idea of an attractive male is very apparent in Bollywood movies. Fit, muscular guys with meticulously gelled up hair and some facial hair. Unbuttoned shirts are almost mandatory to show off those pecs. Oh, and interestingly enough, Indian men are expected to get waxed, to remove excessive hair from their body.
You’d expect Vikings to be the ultimate goal, but the time of Vikings is long gone in Sweden. These days to look appealing in the eyes of Swedish ladies, men should be quite tall and slender, with blonde hair, light-colored eyes, and sharp cheekbones. Pale skin and some sadness behind those blue eyes come as a no-brainer for Swedes.

Turkish men have to work hard to be seen as attractive by the ladies. A decent fitness level is a must, so is meticulously styled hair. Turkish guys are also expected to wax off all of their chest hair, the ladies here don’t like hairy chests. What’s interesting is that girls in Turkey also like the juxtaposition of dark hair and light-colored eyes, so if you match these criteria consider yourself genetically lucky.

South Korea
South Korean criteria for male beauty differ greatly from the countries we’ve discussed so far. This is the country that rejects toxic masculinity. You won’t see big burly muscles or thick beards here. Instead, men here put a lot of effort into keeping their skin baby smooth and soft, they also care a lot about fashion and will spend good money on popular brands. Things like concealer, eyeshadow, and even lipgloss are also very much encouraged for men in South Korea. Have you seen K-pop idols? This is what guys are striving for here.

United Kingdom
We could just say that in order to impress the British ladies guys have to look like Tom Hiddleston or Benedict Cumberbatch. We’re talking about a nice haircut, slim build, preferably tall and not too macho. In fact, girls here like their men to be in touch with their feelings. Attractive British guys are either clean-shaven or have a slight stubble, but full-on beards are not hugely popular here. Tattoos are a nice bonus if you want some extra attention.

Australian men are considered to be some of the most attractive men in the world. Tall, muscular, and sun-kissed — what’s not to like? Think surfer guy meets Thor. However, not all Australians are as genetically gifted as Hugh Jackman or the Hemsworth brothers, so they spend a lot of time in the gym to achieve a similar look.

Italian guys have to dress to impress. You don’t have to look like a model, but you have to dress like a movie star. Women here like their men to be stylish and dressed up. Italian men are also no strangers to cosmetic procedures and manicures. Facial hair is popular here, but it has to be neatly trimmed, no wild beards allowed.